Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Cast off the shackles of your slumber! The galaxy shall be ours once again!

 After two decades of deathless slumber, I have finally woken them from their tomb!

Back in 2002 Codex Necrons came out, and a new army was added to the 40k universe.  Yes, they had models before that, but now they had a full list to work with!  Over time I acquired a couple of the starter boxes, a monolith, flayed ones, ect.   But, as any true 40k gamer would do, I never did more than assemble the bare plastic.  There they sat, spending about 20 years in their case.

For whatever reason, this January, I decided to take them all out and look at them.  I always liked the look of the army, even if they are just space skeletons.  As 40k editions passed, they have become more overtly Egyptian space skeletons, but I don't mind that aesthetic.     After hemming and hawing a diversion from already in-progress wargame plans, I decided I would paint them.  BUT FIRST, I had to buy some more to bring them from up from my 3rd edition limitations.  (insert facepalm)  Admittedly,  it is still far from what can be considered a meta army.   

---After two months of on-and-off painting, I am now finished.---

This marks a major milestone, in that it is the first 40k army I have that is completely painted. Every. Single. Model.  Despite the fact that many are redundant (why do I own 70 Necron warriors?) and will never see the tabletop, I do feel delighted in the accomplishment.   Even if it took roughly half my life to achieve. 

basement crawling with silver skeletons

The group shot

3rd Edition Wraiths

3rd Edition Tomb Spyders

New Deathmarks

Classic Spooky Bois with glorious green acrylic rods

Seriously... 70 of these.

Scarab Swarms

3rd Edition Immortals

Triarch Praetorians

I kitbashed some extra Warrior models with the leftover bits from the Deathmark kit to make Immortals with Tesla Carbines

3rd Edition Flayed Ones

(Lokhust) Destroyers

Old Heavy Destroyer is now a Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

Necron Lord with Resurrection Orb

Necron Lord

C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer

Very Spooky Boi

Classic Monolith 

I am very annoyed that the old decals silvered up.  I tried so much micro sol and set, but was unable to make them look any better.