Our gaming group routinely has outbursts away from the core historical(-ish) games that make up the bulwark of our gaming. Blood Bowl is one of these great asides. A few years ago Games Workshop re-released Blood Bowl. It must have been a success as they have continued (although slowly) to release more and more miniatures for the various teams.
I enjoy Blood Bowl but will be quick to tell you that I'm not very good at the game. There are players in our group who compete using teams with much more thought out strategies. I, on the other hand, play the perpetual bottom-feeders: Goblins. I find it enjoyable to play a team that can be expected to lose, it keeps me from getting to heavily invested in the competition. The greatest joy is the wild collection of illegal weapons they can wield (before getting caught and sent off). Nothing beats chainsawing apart an opposing player that you lack the strength to even attempt to block. Or lobbing a bomb into a nicely set up cage. The re-release also gave the Goblins two new players: the Doom Diver and the Ooligan. I've yet to play a game with these new models, so it will be exciting to see how they fit in. With the exception of two trolls that I use to anchor the center of my line, the rest of the normal players are largely useless speedbumps.
Gobbos |
Back: Doom Diver, Bomma, Pogoer
Front: Ooligan, Looney, Fanatic
Trolls |
from behind |
The new models are spectacular. There are a lot of great details and character, even amongst the normal goblins. The Forge World troll (#20) adds some distinction between the two big men, and if you believe the rumors, was also a swipe at people who complained that every big man in Blood Bowl was modelled with "one leg in the air".
I can now retire my old Gobbo team. I painted it about 10 years ago, and until this team might have been the last 28mm (heroic?/32mm?.... basically whatever size GW is) figures I painted before diving off into 15mm and smaller historicals. They'll be stowed away unless someone else decides they want to be my rowdy friends.